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3 Non-Lethal Tips To Get Rid Of Wasps By The Pool

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If you have a backyard swimming pool, you know that this feature gets a lot of use during the warm summer months. An enjoyable afternoon in the water can quickly turn into an uncomfortable situation if you discover that wasps have taken up residence near your pool.

Wasp stings can be incredibly painful, and some people may even be allergic to the venom emitted during the stinging process. Be proactive in getting rid of wasps by your pool so that your summer will be a safe one.

1. Provide an Alternative Water Source

One of the primary reasons wasps may be hanging around your pool is because this backyard feature is a constant source of water. Wasps don't mind the chlorine, they will drink your pool water regardless of chemical treatments.

You can attempt to lure the wasps to a new location by setting up a more pest-friendly water feature. A fountain, bird bath, or pond that always has a fresh supply of water will be more attractive to the wasps. This is a great option if you don't want to harm the wasps inhabiting your yard.

2. Create a Decoy Nest

Another pest-friendly way to get rid of the wasps hanging around your swimming pool is to invest in a decoy nest. A decoy nest closely resembles the nests that actual wasps build when setting up a home.

Wasps are very territorial insects. They will usually steer clear of any area with an existing nest to avoid potential conflict. Placing a few decoy nests near your pool area will drive away the actual wasps without causing any significant damage.

3. Relocate the Nest

Wasp life is centered around the nest. Though adult wasps will venture out during the day in search of food and water, they will always return to the nest at night. You can relocate the wasp nest near your pool to a less populated area if you want to avoid potential interaction between swimmers and wasps.

It's best to complete the relocation at night as the wasps will be sleeping inside the nest. A professional exterminator should be called to help relocate any wasp nests so that the process is conducted safely and effectively. Each wasp nest lasts only one season with just the queen living through the winter. She will migrate to a new area to set up a nest the following spring, so relocating an existing nest can eliminate the potential for wasps near your pool in the future.

If you have wasps near your pool, contact a pest control company like Environmental  Pest Control to help you find a solution to remove the problem and keep everyone swimming safe.
